Khaki creative 誠挚的邀請您参加2008年7月19日於北京 Mao Live House 舉辦的 Eat Your Hat Out 設計派隊!活動免門票,請您攜名片入場。
Khaki Creative cordially invites you to participate in our Eat Your Hat Out design party, to be held at Beijing’s Mao live house on July 19th, 2008. The event is free to attend, please show your business card at the door. Thank you very much!
活動時間:2008年7月19日 13:30 至 17:30
活動地點:Mao LIve House 北京東城區鼓樓東大街111号
ARTISTS: C86 (UK) Diego Agasso (Argentina) Evan B Harris (USA) Filter017 (Taiwan) Gaston Caba (Argentina) Jacopo (Italy) Jason Rabbit (Taiwan) Julie West (UK) Malota (Spain) Nod Young (China) Paul (South Africa) Romain (France) San (Hong Kong) Simon Lopez (France) Spring Roll OY (China) Xiaobao (Singapore)