
心機掃描 A Scanner Darkly

A Scanner Darkly 2006台北國際動畫影展 閉幕片

美國 U.S.A. 2005 / 100’ 00”

Richard Linklater 真人轉描 Interpolated Rotoscoping

電影簡介: 美國長久以來成效不佳的緝毒行動與恐怖組織的對峙一樣毫無成果。被迫臥底的緝毒警探巴布亞特(基努李維飾)奉命監視他的朋友吉姆貝芮斯(小勞勃道尼飾)、 厄尼洛克曼(伍迪哈里遜飾)、唐娜霍桑(諾娜瑞德飾)和查爾斯費克(羅瑞考克蘭飾)。當巴布亞特奉命開始監視他自己,他便展開一場充滿被迫害妄想症及恐慌 情緒的自我旅程,全局充滿了荒謬的事件,而每個人的真實身分及忠誠度也都變得不可信賴。
改編自科幻大師菲利普狄克親身經驗所創作的小說,《心機掃 瞄》是一部關於現代社會毒品氾濫的故事,內容充滿陰暗人性、荒謬喜感,以及警世寓言。全片以最先進的動畫技巧 ”Interpolated Rotoscoping”(繪畫式轉描技術),呈現出融合漫畫小說加上真人電影的獨特視覺風格。編導理察林雷特早就在2001年就曾在他的作品《半夢半醒 的人生》一片中使用過這種革命性的製作手法,這次他再度以這種獨特的視覺風格預言七年後的美國社會。(文轉自2006台北國際動畫影展關網)

America’s endless and futile war on drugs has become one and the same with its war on terror. Reluctant undercover cop Bob Arctor (Keanu Reeves) follows orders to start spying on his friends, Jim Barris (Robert Downey Jr.), Ernie Luckman (Woody Harrelson), Donna Hawthorne (Winona Ryder) and Charles Freck (Rory Cochrane). When he is directed to step up the surveillance on himself, he is launched on a paranoid journey into the absurd, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode.
Based on legendary science-fiction author Philip K. Dick’s own experiences, A Scanner Darkly tells the darkly comedic, caustic, but deeply tragic tale of drug use in the modern world. The film plays like a graphic novel come to life with live-action photography overlaid with an advanced animation process—a method known as interpolated rotoscoping, first employed in writer/director Richard Linklater’s 2001 film

【台北信義華納威秀放映場次】9/10 (日) 18:00 14廳 9/10 (日) 22:00 14廳


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