
Nalakuvara 華人創造的東方新街頭品牌

好朋友graphic design-Enzo的作品,真的很不錯,推薦給大家!

Nalakuvara, a creation started in 2006, with an aim to definestreet fashion from an oriental perspective. The term originates from ancient Hindu, and is best known as Ne-Zha, the rebellious and precocious child-god in Chinese mythology.It symbolizes what our brand and company represents: energetic young minds that are honest and courageous, living by passion and conviction. Through a full line of street fashion products and byproducts, the new voice of youth culture has arrived. Peace!
Nalakuvara 以中國神話故事中的哪吒作為品牌的主要意象表徵,彰顯年輕次文化中的熱情活力,勇敢批判,,誠實忠於自我的特色。試圖以東方文化的深厚底蘊,重新詮釋 street fashion,期望在主流西方文化價值壟斷下發聲,帶給全球喜愛年輕街頭文化的群眾不同的觀點與感受。我們期望 Nalakuvara 挑動每個人壓抑在心中深處的不安定靈魂,找回赤子之心,並將大家從喘不過氣的期望與體制內解放出來。

哪裡買 : 信義誠品B1,6/1衣蝶S館5F也即將開幕
相關網站連結 : Nalakuvara

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